Core Problem Tree Domain and Template

Core problem trees are great for visualizing the cause and effects linked with a given problem. They have three essential elements, and are pretty easy to make. We’ve created a domain that includes all you need to get started! The first file is a blank Flying Logic document that contains the domain in the domain menu. The second file is a Flying Logic document that includes the domain and the example tree we used in our article, and the third file is a pdf of our example tree.

Core Problem Tree.xlogicd (5.5 KB)
Core Problem Tree.xlogic (32.6 KB)
Core Problem Tree.pdf (98.2 KB)



Core Problem Tree.xlogicd and Core Problem Tree.xlogic have the same name when you right-click and Save As.

On the page here, they look different. But if you actually try to save them, you’ll start to get Core Problem Tree(1).xlogic as soon as you save the second one.

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