Exporting Hierarchy Graphics to MS Excel Nested Sheets

It would be very nice feature to export the a hierarchy chart to an nested MS Excel worksheet. Please see the attached examples for the hierarchy chart ( a part of it) and the corresponding MS Excel worksheet.

Kind Regards,

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Thank you for the suggestion. I see two technical issues that we (or anyone) might face in attempting to write such an exporter:

  • First, Flying Logic can represent trees, but in the general case FL documents are DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs), so an exporter script would need to detect non-tree cases and decide what to do about that (probably fail with an error).

  • Second (and this may be due to my ignorance of Excel), I’m not sure there is any way to encode grouped spreadsheet cells in a simple file format without mastering Excel’s very general and detailed file format. This might be easier to do with HTML tables.

In general, we make Flying Logic highly customizable so you (or someone you hire with Python Skills) can write an a exporter plug-in from Flying Logic for any purpose. You might want to stake a look at our Scripting Guide.