Larger arrowhead handles

Hi! This is a request to make what I’ve found to be the more common action with the mouse easier to invoke. More often than connecting an arrow from another arrow and creating a new junctor, I want to move the arrow to point to a different entity. However, the handle at the arrowhead to let me do this is much harder to click than the rest of the arrow to add a connection to the arrow.

Here’s an example. I want to change this diagram by connecting C to B instead of to D.

If I click quickly without being very precise and don’t notice, (which is easier to do than it sounds, especially when facilitating a discussion in real-time) that action results in the following, followed by undoing and trying again:

(unintended result)

What I want to do more often than that requires me to precisely click the small handle on the arrow head:

So that I get the arrow-redirect mode instead of adding-arrow mode:

And can reconnect the arrow as intended:

Please make the arrowhead handle larger. Mockup in photoshop of what I’d like to have:

Thanks for reading!

Not to overshadow the above request, . . .

I guess while we’re at it, this one is also really hard to find and could use some better hinting and a larger handle. Dropping an entity on the midpoint of a connection to insert it. I know there’s a menu button for this, but I just this drag-and-drop interaction almost as often as the menu button.
